The World’s Oldest Form of Gambling


A lottery is a form of gambling that involves drawing numbers at random. While some governments outlaw it, others endorse it and even organize state and national lotteries. While the Dutch state lottery is the oldest continuously running lottery, other countries also organize lotteries. The lottery is one of the oldest forms of gambling in the world.

Dutch state-owned Staatsloterij is the oldest running lottery

The Dutch state-owned Staatsloterij is one of the world’s oldest lottery systems. It has been drawing winners for four centuries and has generated millions of Euros in prize money. The lottery also plays a major role in Dutch society by supporting numerous charities. The Dutch lottery is regulated by the Netherlands Online Gambling Association and the Dutch Gaming Authority. A portion of the proceeds is donated to various charities, including the fight against problem gambling.

English state lotteries

English state lotteries are an age-old way to win big prizes. The first national lottery was set up by Queen Elizabeth I in 1567. She wanted to expand British trade and develop ports around the world. The first prize was PS5000. Other prizes were a plate, a tapestry, and a good linen cloth. She also offered immunity from arrest if you won.

New York state lotteries

New York state lotteries are operated by the New York State Gaming Commission, a state government body. Revenue from New York Lottery draws is used to fund public education and programs. The lottery is headquartered in Schenectady.

French state lotteries

French state lotteries have been in operation since the eighteenth century. The French monarchy legalized gambling, but also wanted to discourage the growth of private lotteries. In 1759, the Conseil de France enforced a law that prohibited the promotion of lottery tickets and prohibited their sale. Exceptions were made, however, for public works and charitable causes.

Indian state lotteries

The government of an Indian state creates lottery legislation and oversees lottery departments to conduct public lotteries. These lotteries use massive lottery machines to randomly produce winning numbers. Some states, like Goa, have more than one lottery draw daily, including special “bumper” draws. Some of these lotteries are accessible on unlicensed mobile applications, while the official state lottery in Goa is only sold offline.

Government-run lotteries

Historically, government-run lotteries have been a major source of state and local funding, especially for special projects. In the 1800s, Congress created the National Lottery to raise money for the beautification of Washington, D.C. Virginia, however, banned the sale of other types of lottery tickets.